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发布时间:2023-05-04 09:44:10来源:国际教育网











2023年滑铁卢数学竞赛全球共2万多名学生同台竞技。最终广州斐特思九年级和十年级共9名学子冲进全球Top 25%,获得最高奖项——“卓越奖”,其中九年级文同学和十年级张同学分别获团队第一名。此外,十年级团队在竞赛中斩获团队总分排名全球第六的佳绩!

A total of nine students from grades 9 and 10 at FCG made it into the top 25% globally and were awarded the highest prize, the "Distinction Award." San Wen from grade 9 and Jane Zhang from grade 10 were ranked first among them. In addition, the grade 10 team achieved an outstanding result, ranking sixth in the world in the team total score.

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广州斐特思学子奋发进取,在全球众多优秀学子中脱颖而出,斩获英国物理奥林匹克竞赛BPhO(British Physics Olympiad)举办的挑战赛初级银奖、中级银奖和初级铜奖等6个全球奖项。

Students from Fettes College Guangzhou(FCG)worked hard. They stood out among many outstanding students worldwide, winning six global awards at the BPhO Challenge, including the Junior Silver Award, Intermediate Silver Award and Junior Bronze Award.

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广州斐特思与剑桥视觉表演艺术学院 CSVPA达成深度战略合作伙伴关系,利用 CSVPA的艺术专业知识和本校超一流的艺术设施,打造大湾区专业艺术书院。除共享 CSVPA的优秀师资、专业艺术课程外,双方还将定期举办专家论坛、师生交流、艺术工作坊、行业研讨会等。

FCG will establish a deep strategic partnership with the Cambridge School of Visual & Performing Arts (CSVPA) to create a professional Art Academy in the Greater Bay Area, utilising CSVPA"s artistic expertise and FCG"s excellent art facilities. In addition to sharing CSVPA"s wonderful team of staff and professional art courses, the two sides will regularly hold expert forums, teacher-student exchanges, art workshops, industry seminars, etc.

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In the Grade 3 Artificial Intelligence class in primary school, we explored "smart farming" together. Our class embarked on an academic investigation of smart farming, with a focus on the key concept of “change”and an exploration of the ways in which AI technology is transforming the agricultural industry. We took the students to the FCG vegetable field to delve into the growth status of different crops and the soil humidity. Through a scientific experiment designed to measure soil moisture levels, the Grade 3 students learned about these devices: Arduino board, digital display, LED light, and soil moisture meter.

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In the transdisciplinary exploration of “Sharing the Planet”, children focused on the exploration ofresource sharing. They learnt about thecultural characteristics and diversityof different countries by exploring the resources and specialities. Children learnt aboutAfrican culturethrough storybooks. Students not only learned that Africa has rich fruit resources, but also learned that many grassland animals like zebras, lions, ostriches, and so on.

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我校举办了一场由芝加哥大学国际招生主任Michelle Trimpe 女士主讲的升学研讨会。本次研讨会为学生和家长们讲解了芝加哥大学和其他美国顶尖大学的申请流程和要求,活动取得了圆满成功。

Fettes College Guangzhou held a workshop delivered by Ms Michelle Trimpe, Director of International Admissions at the University of Chicago. The workshop was organised to provide insights and tips on the admission process and requirements for the University of Chicago and other American universities in general.

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In the morning of April 12, Grade 2 to Grade 5 students came to Guangdong Science Centre. On this field trip, according to the inquiry theme of UOI or subject class, they visited exhibitions including "Human and Health", "Space Dreams", "Experiments and Discovery", "Digital Park", "Transportation World", "Low-carbon Lifestyle and New Energy Vehicle" etc. Through careful observation, personal experience and hands-on operation, our students not only deepened their understanding of inquiry themes but werealso infused with the spirit of science.

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The Primary School Unit of Inquiry lesson isboth interesting and relevant. This semester, the first UOI unit for Grade One is "Sharing the Planet". Under this theme, the students moved outside of their classroom and into nature. On April 13th, the first-grade students visited the Cool Farm Lion City Nature Education Base. This field trip helped the students deepen their understanding of the unit’scentral idea,"The close relationship and interaction between humans and nature contribute to human development and progress," and enhanced their research skills, thinking skills, and communication skills.

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Boarding Life


We recently celebrated the month of March birthdays with the Primary and Secondary boarders, and it was a fantastic event that was enjoyed by all. The evening was filled with fun activities, including games, music, and food, which created a lively atmosphere for the students. The students had a chance to socialise and bond with each other, which is an essential aspect of boarding life. The birthday celebration was a great way to foster a sense of community within the boarding house and gave the students a chance to take a break from their academic responsibilities.

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The middle school girls in boarding participated in a life skills class and learned embroidery techniques. In this class, the girls had the opportunity to learn new skills and unleash their creativity by making their own embroidery works. During the embroidery class, the teacher explained different techniques, including basic stitching, needlework, and thread selection. The girls also learned how to embroider different fabrics, such as cotton, silk, and linen. The girls showed great enthusiasm and interest throughout the process. They learned and practised seriously and displayed excellent creativity and skills in their work.

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All students went out with teachers to learn archery. Under the guidance of the coach, students mastered the basic techniques of archery and put them into practice. This activity not only allowed students to experience the fun of outdoor sports but also helped them develop their self-confidence and self-control. The weekend"s activities were widely appreciated and participated in by all full boarders.

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It was truly a West meets East affair, with a tantalizing mix of South African and Chinese food being cooked up by the students themselves! The passion for cooking and eating was infectious, and it was amazing to see students of all ages getting involved.

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The Arts and Sport


In April, FCG hosted their first Swimming Meet! Nearly 200 swimming enthusiasts from 10 schools participated in the competition.

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FCG has made "Art Education" an important part of holistic education to cultivate students with international aesthetic abilities and creativity. On the afternoon of 22 April, the FCG International Arts Festival was held on campus with exciting and diverse art performances, providing students, teachers and parents with a visual and auditory feast.

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